Participants in my “Contemporary Japanese Security Policy” elective class often ask for additional readings on the material that we cover. Here are a few suggestions:
- Adam Liff, “Japan’s Security Policy in the ‘Abe Era’: Radical Transformation or Evolutionary Shift,” Texas National Security Review (2018).
- Council on Foreign Relations, “Constitutional Change in Japan” (2019).
- Matthew Goodman, “Japan and Korea: Rising Above the Fray,” Commentary, Center for Strategic and International Studies (2019).
- E.J.R. Cho and Ki-young Shin, “South Korean Views on Japan’s Constitutional Reform Under the Abe Government,” The Pacific Review (2018).
- Genron NPO and East Asia Institute, “The 7th Japan-South Korea Joint Public Opinion Poll (2019): Analysis Report on Comparative Data” (2019).
- Genron NPO, “Japan-China Public Opinion Survey 2018” (2018).
- NHK, “内閣支持率 [Cabinet Support Ratings]” (2013-2019).
- Emma Chanlett-Avery and Ian Rinehart, “The U.S. Military Presence in Okinawa and the Futenma Base Controversy,” Congressional Research Service (2016).
This list is updated periodically. If you have any suggestions regarding material that you think should be added, please let me know, and feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.