New Publication: US-ROK-Japan Trilateral Engagement on Economic Security: Disentangling Resilience, Competitiveness, and Protection

My article “U.S.-ROK-Japan Trilateral Engagement on Economic Security: Disentangling Resilience, Competitiveness, and Protection” has been published in the journal Asia Policy. The article assesses the progress of domestic and trilateral economic security initiatives among the United States, Japan, and South Korea and considers their future prospects. It argues that although there are promising policy commonalities, there is no consensus about the definition of economic security among the three countries. Instead, their governments are pursuing distinct combinations of three overlapping aims in their economic security policies: resilience (i.e., reducing risks from disruption or interference), competitiveness (i.e., promoting domestic economic capabilities), and protection (i.e., restricting or disadvantaging foreign competition). The future of trilateral economic security engagement will depend on how policymakers choose to balance these goals as they adapt, implement, and target their economic security policy tools in light of evolving national interests.

The article is part of a roundtable on “Pathways for U.S.-ROK-Japan Cooperation: Strengthening Trilateral Ties amid Uncertainty” that brings together 15 experts from the United States, the Republic of Korea, and Japan.

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New Publication: Institutionalizing US-ROK-Japan Trilateral Cooperation: Recent Progress and Future Prospects

My article “Institutionalizing US-ROK-Japan Trilateral Cooperation: Recent Progress and Future Prospects” has now been released as part of the US-ROK Policy Brief Series published by the George Washington University Institute for Korean Studies and the Seoul National University Institute for Peace and Unification Studies.

Abstract: Over the past two years, there has been dramatic progress in cooperation among the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the United States. Trilateral cooperation was essentially dormant at the beginning of 2022, due in large part to severe tensions in Korea-Japan relations over a series of historical, legal, economic, and territorial matters. However, since that time, the three countries have launched a joint agenda that has spurred over 50 trilateral meetings on issues ranging from security and economics to women’s empowerment and people-to-people ties. How did this striking change come about, and what lies ahead for trilateral relations as political leadership changes across the three countries? This article argues that US-ROK-Japan cooperation was central to the Biden administration’s vision for a latticework-style regional institutional architecture and that important steps have been taken by all three countries to resuscitate and institutionalize trilateral relations, which are now on a stronger footing. Although domestic political shifts may lead to increased uncertainty in the future, shared concerns will continue to push the three countries together, and the efforts of the last two years will help to mitigate future tensions among them, primarily by offering more institutional channels for consultation, coordination, and cooperation that can be utilized during difficult times.

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Recent Talks on Technology and Economic Security in Japan

I have had the opportunity to travel to Tokyo twice this fall to discuss quickly evolving issues related to critical and emerging technologies and economic security. In October, I participated in the CONVERGE Indo-Pacific Critical Tech Forum to discuss cooperation among Indo-Pacific countries, focusing specifically on semiconductors and artificial intelligence. The dialogue gathered stakeholders and experts from across government, business, civil society, and academia to discuss these complex issues, and I appreciated the diverse perspectives expressed by colleagues from Japan, the US, Australia, India, Singapore, the Philippines, the Netherlands, and elsewhere.

In November, I returned to Tokyo for a series of events related to a newly launched two-year joint research project on Deepening of U.S.-Japan Cooperation on ‘Non-Military’ Aspects, which aims to unravel the patterns of division within U.S. and Japanese societies and clarify shared issues. I spoke on US-Japan cooperation on economic security at a public event on the Future of US-Japan Relations in the Age of Division at the International House of Japan. This public event was followed by a private roundtable with Diet members and a closed-door workshop among researchers.

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US-Korea NextGen Scholars Program

I am honored to have been selected as one of ten US-Korea NextGen Scholars for 2024–2025. Scholars were selected in a national competition from a wide range of disciplines, including American studies, ethnomusicology, history, political science, philosophy, and international relations.

The US-Korea NextGen Scholars Program is a unique two-year non-resident program that provides opportunities for mid-career Korea specialists to discuss issues of importance to US-Korea relations with policymakers, government officials, and opinion leaders in Korea and the United States, learn how to effectively engage with the media, participate in the policymaking process, gain experience as public intellectuals helping to bridge the scholarly and policy communities, and address issues of importance to the US-Korea relationship. A core objective of the program is to identify, nurture, and build a community of American public intellectuals across a wide range of sectors and facilitate policy-oriented research teams and projects. The project is run by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Korea Chair and the University of Southern California Korean Studies Institute (USC KSI) and directed by Victor Cha and David Kang. The program is also supported by an advisory committee of distinguished American and Korean advisers with vast experience in academia, government, and the private sector.

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New Open Access Publication: The Role of the United Nations in Japanese Foreign Policy and Security Architecture

My chapter “The Role of the United Nations in Japanese Foreign Policy and Security Architecture” is now available as a free open access download. The chapter was originally published in 2023 as part of the book Non-Western Nations and the Liberal International Order: Responding to the Backlash in the West edited by Shin-Wha Lee and Jagannath Panda. This edited volume is part of the Routledge Studies on Think Asia series.

After joining the United Nations (UN) in 1956, Japan became an active member and one of its top financial contributors. What role does the UN play in Japan’s security policy and in its vision of the emerging global and regional security architecture? This chapter argues that the UN has long been an important part of Japanese foreign policy, and it was particularly central to Japan’s attempts to expand its contributions to international security in response to criticism of its response to the Persian Gulf War in the early 1990s. During subsequent years, Japan embraced UN peacekeeping operations as a core component of its new security contributions. Given the troubled legacy of Japan’s actions in World War II and its constitutional constraints on military activity, the UN provided an important source of legitimacy for the country’s more proactive security role, allowing it to limit the scope of its involvement and to justify its activities to internal and external audiences. In terms of security architecture, Japan has combined a broad focus on the global security role of the UN with a more specific focus on regional security mechanisms to address issues in Northeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific region. With respect to Northeast Asia, the US-Japan security alliance plays the primary role in Japan’s thinking about its own national security, particularly in response to potential threats from China and North Korea. Japan has also engaged with broader regional institutions, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum and issue-specific regional forums. Most recently, Japan has articulated a broad vision for a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific,” through which it has sought to engage with a wider range of regional actors, and it has pushed for the reinvigoration of the Quadrilateral Strategic Dialogue, which brings Japan together with the US, Australia and India. Through this combination of regional and global security institutions, Japan has sought to address a variety of traditional and non-traditional security challenges, as well as to influence norms and attitudes towards its own contributions to international security.

There are several ways to access my chapter:

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New Publication: Fishing, Human Security, and Transboundary Maritime Challenges in the Pacific Islands Region

I was honored to contribute an article to the recent Security in Context volume on Rethinking Insecurity In The Blue Pacific Region edited by Van Jackson. My article builds on my 2023 article on fishing and the tragedy of the commons in the South China Sea to examine how fishing is closely intertwined with human security considerations in the Pacific Islands region in terms of food security, economic security, personal security, community security, and environmental security. Key areas of vulnerability stem from the heavy reliance of these communities on the oceans and the nature of fish stocks as “common-pool resources,” which creates challenges of monitoring and sustainability. As many of the world’s waters increasingly suffer from overfishing and as climate change endangers ocean ecosystems worldwide, these dynamics are gradually impacting the people of the Pacific Islands. Moreover, intensifying threats in neighboring waters from illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and fisheries crimes such as human trafficking also pose risks to the human security of the region.

The edited volume also features articles by Edward Hunt, William Waqavakatoga, Joanne Wallis, Marco de Jong, and Kenneth Kuper.

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Keynote Address: The Quad and Public Goods in an Era of Minilateralism

On March 27, 2024, I had the honor of delivering a keynote address on “The Quad and Public Goods in an Era of Minilateralism: Opportunities and Challenges” at an event hosted by the Institute of South Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore.

My keynote address examined the Quad as a microcosm of regional and global trends, specifically looking at the questions of how small groups of like-minded countries can address complex cross-border problems and whether they can provide public goods while also serving the strategic interests of their members. I began with a discussion of the development of Asia’s regional institutional architecture over the post-World War II period and the evolution of the Quad from the mid-2000s to the present. I then analyzed several key examples of attempts by the Quad to provide public goods in the areas of health, climate, maritime domain awareness, and critical and emerging technologies. My remarks concluded with some opportunities and challenges for the Quad moving forward, as well as implications for countries who are not members of the Quad. The presentation was followed by a discussion moderated by Kei Koga (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore).

This was followed by a panel discussion on “Climate Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific” featuring Sharon Seah (ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore), Nagisa Shiiba (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan), Constantino Xavier (Centre for Social and Economic Progress, India), and Karthik Nachiappan (Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore).

Watch the video:

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Talk: Deepening Canada-Japan-US Relations in the Indo-Pacific

On March 12, 2024, I was invited by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and Simon Fraser University to speak at an event on “Deepening Canada-Japan-US Relations in the Indo-Pacific” in Vancouver, Canada. My comments provided a scene setter for the event by giving an overview of several key themes in Japan’s current foreign policy. I was joined on the panel by Yves Tiberghien (University of British Columbia), Tsuyoshi Kawasaki (Simon Fraser University), Adam Liff (Indiana University/Georgetown University), and Vina Nadjibulla (Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada). It was great to be back in Vancouver again—it had been four years since I last visited to give a talk on “Designing Trade Architecture for the Free and Open Indo-Pacific” in January 2020 at another event hosted by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.

A full video of the event is available on YouTube (featured above). You can also watch watch a short excerpt from the Q&A portion of the event below:

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New Publication: Avoiding and Exploiting the Tragedy of the Commons: Fishing, Crime, and Conflict in the South China Sea

My article “Avoiding and Exploiting the Tragedy of the Commons: Fishing, Crime, and Conflict in the South China Sea” has been published in International Politics.

What factors have driven the dramatic depletion of fishery resources in the South China Sea, and how have states responded? This article demonstrates that a complex mix of political, economic, and security drivers has led to the fishing crisis in the South China Sea in the fashion of a classic “tragedy of the commons.” Although states have attempted to solve this problem by cooperating through bilateral, regional, and international arrangements, the article argues that states have also sought to exploit the situation as part of “hybrid” or “gray zone” strategies that blur the lines between private and public actors and between law enforcement and military activities.

Specifically, the article identifies four mechanisms through which the conditions associated with the tragedy of the commons enable states to put fishers and fishing regulation on the frontlines of defending their territorial claims in the South China Sea. First, the structure of incentives surrounding fish stocks as a common-pool resource results in overfishing and overcapacity, which means that there is an abundance of fishers in relation to the number of fish that are available to be caught and the amount of time that can productively be spent fishing. Second, this excess of idle fishers presents states with an opportunity to hire these individuals as part-time militia, or, alternatively, to disguise militia members as fishers. Third, the existence of illicit activity related to illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing creates a need for states to enforce their fishing regulations and protect their fishers, which creates opportunities for states to assert that disputed maritime territory falls under their jurisdiction by apprehending foreign fishing boats. Fourth, the need for effective laws and regulations to combat IUU fishing and to sustainably manage fishery resources grants states an opportunity to strategically enact domestic legislation covering contested waters, resulting in additional occasions for law enforcement activities directed toward IUU fishing that may further establish control and legitimate claims. In short, amid the problems and disorder created by the tragedy of the commons, states can craft strategies that maintain ambiguity about their intentions as well as about the identities and motivations of the non-state actors involved, enabling them to bolster their sovereignty claims by establishing de facto control over contested waters.

There are several ways to access this article:

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Talk: South Korea’s Engagement in Regional Space Institutions

It was a pleasure to be able to visit the University of Hawa‘i at Hilo on September 7–8, 2023 to participate in a conference on the rise of South Korea in the international relations of space. The conference gathered together experts from around the region, including Su-Mi Lee, Saadia Pekkanen, Scott Snyder, Tongfi Kim, Jongseok Woo, and Wongjae Hwang. I presented a paper on South Korea’s engagement in regional space institutions, including the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum, the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, the Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific, and the Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific.

In addition to our private workshop discussions, we participated in a very well-attended in-person public forum on September 7 and an online public forum on September 8. Many thanks to the fantastic leadership of Su-Mi Lee and Saadia Pekkanen in organizing this conference and to the Korean Foundation for its support. The papers from this conference are currently under review at the journal Asian Security.

You can watch the recording of the online public forum on YouTube:

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